In order to contribute to "Homer and Hegemony" I've decided to lay out, at present, the interests and questions that have brought me here. To begin, my analysis tends to focus on power and knowledge. I am drawn, in particular, to the discourses of culture, sexuality, and race; and the circuits inside and in between. In addtion I want to examine the political and ideological relationships between the family, the home, and the state; what some have come to call the domains of the intimate. Because of this interest in the intimate's articulation of pop culture and mass media, I tend to interrogate Hollywood/television images and the political discourse of hip-hop and indie/punk cultures. Finally, broader questions concern colonialism, exile, nation, history, and its production of identities. Works I wish to become more familiar with are those by Gramsci, Foucault, The Frankfurt School, Althusser, Fanon, Memmi, and Butler.
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